You are a Business

An innovative business model is essential in the modern world. With existing technology, producing a business by ones self is no longer improbable. While it is inevitable that the business will need a team if it scales to great measures, the beginning all starts with one’s self and their ability to use creativity and design thinking. Being educated about the experience of innovation is important because the philosophy behind it is proven time and time again. Being curious is great because your mind serves as your business in the modern world. Having the perspective that one’s self is a walking brand and accumulated knowledge is the measure of differentiation will enable us to progress more than those who are stagnant. This will provide a different perspective on how things work, ultimately provoking thought and helping one to grow as a human being and business entity.

In an article on The Next Web, Marcin Treder suggests the designer first and foremost think about their craft in terms of problem solving. One must consider a business model as a creative means to finding a solution. If you try to think about starting a business without having a purpose as to why, you will fail in creating something that will appeal to the consumer. If, instead, you try to think about it as solving a problem that a lot of people share, you will experience more natural innovation and change without even knowing that you’re being creative. This will enable you to generate an effective, innovative business model without even really put much effort into marketing your idea.

One important aspect of the innovation experience is the testing and prototyping of ideas. Only through trial and error can one truly encompass a nature where creativity is at its optimal level.  Divergent thinking is heavily encouraged by Treder because if you are afraid to step outside the box, then you will never know what that path had in store for you. You must have the courage to be bold and be the things you want to be; live out your wildest dreams. You are the only one that can make that happen and it takes a lot of guts, and a lot of time, and a lot of frustration. However, one day when you have achieved accomplishments that you never thought could be done, that is when you know that all of you hard work was worth it, and you have left something behind that people will recognize for years and years to come. Your journey is what sets you apart from everyone else, and you should always be proud of how you got to where you’re at.

You are a business and you can’t let anyone tell you that you are not. You have to keep that vision in your head alive by always using design thinking to plan for the future. You not only need to be creative in your ideas, but you also need to be creative in how you instill them. If you fail to prove these ideas to others in a way that really sparks they’re attention, then they will not see it as important enough to buy into. When I say buy into, I’m not just talking about buying in with money. You don’t need people to buy things from you to be super successful. Hell, you don’t even need something that is tangible to sell. All you need is a cause that people strongly believe in; enough to follow in your footsteps and let you lead them somewhere that they have never been before. Your business model should not be to make sales; it should be to persuade the mind. You must be a marketer and an accountant. You must be a engineer and a salesman. In this modern world, you are a business.

Image result for trippy person

Image Retrieved from Rick Jacobi Art

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